Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Why Are People Not Exercising?

Mention the word “exercise” to many people and their eyes roll up! They’re suffering from a vague fear or lack of knowledge in fitness, therefore they usually hide behind one of the following excuses for not moving their bodies.

#1.I Don’t Have Time: The truth is that getting in shape doesn’t take much time. After all, the point behind exercise is to improve the quality of life. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise several times per week is sufficient to begin reaping the benefits.

#2.Exercise Is Boring: It doesn’t have to be. Anything that gets you moving is exercise and is better than sitting. Raking leaves, strolling around the mall, walking the dog....these are all forms of exercise.

#3. It’s Not Convenient To Exercise: For many people, the word “exercise” brings images of damp, sweaty gyms while everyone watches you. Today’s stylish weight resistance machines are really nice, but you can reap benefits at home using the same safe principle with strength training and stretching.

#4. I’m Scared of the “No Pain, No Gain” Concept: Like outdated political slogans, this proverb should be placed in the rubbish pile. It was never true. The idea that you should do something until it actually hurts uses no common sense or logic.

#5. I’m Too Old To Start An Exercise Program: You can benefit from exercise at any age. Research indicates that muscle weakness and lack of mobility are linked to sedentary lifestyles, even-though, many consider them part of aging. At any age, a level of physical activity that is appropriate is beneficial. What we all want when we age is to maintain independence and be active as long as we can. Getting into the habit of being active is something that can make that a lot more likely to happen!

Lewis County Senior Health and Fitness Classes: 796-5564


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