Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Well it is a very quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. I know there is a lot of trouble everywhere you look, but as I sit here on my front porch and watch the neighbor’s cows grazing peacefully and the humming birds enjoying their feeders and the cats enjoying the warm sunshine, I am so thankful and I know I am blessed.

Fall is here and soon we will have real cooler weather. I think the humming birds are almost ready to leave, they seem to be eating as much as they can, they are getting ready for their long trip South. Everywhere you look you can see the bright blooms of Golden Rod and when it blooms that means it is just a few weeks till our first frost. Soon the trees will be at their peak of beautiful Fall colors. I am looking forward to Fall and I am going to enjoy it.

This past weekend was the last one of Summer and it was hot, but we still had our yard sale. It sure was good to see everyone and I enjoyed all our visits, I did not know that I had that many friends that read my ramblings each week, thank all of you. Maybe we will get to see each other again during the Oktober Heritage Festival, it will soon be here.

I think they are forecasting chances of rain each day this week and we sure need the rain. I know all the farmers are wishing for more rain, they need every drop to help their hay fields so that they can have some hay to cut during their Fall hay cutting.

I think maybe by now most peoples gardens are done for the year and are gone. I guess now some people are planting their cold weather corps like turnip greens, after the first frost those greens will taste so good, cook them with a little piece of ham in them, along with a big pan of cornbread, Elaine are you getting hungry yet?

Some friends of ours were digging their sweet potatoes last week before all the Fall rains start. We have already been seeing a lot of pumpkins and butternut squashes, they always make you think of Fall. Soon we will be seeing Fall decorations everywhere.

Bob has already got the breakfast dishes done and is now enjoying his coffee. It sure is nice out here on the front porch, the cats and us all really enjoy our porch, it will not be long before I have to get the cat’s wintertime beds out for them, they each have their own warm bed for when it gets cold out and that was Bob’s idea, he has got them spoiled.

I have already got the holidays on my mind, I have been thinking about how I am going to decorate and what I am going to quilt this Winter. But right now I have got a busy day planned ahead, I do not know what all I am going to fix for lunch today but I know we are going to have sweet potatoes, white beans and cornbread, and of course some of my MaEvelyn’s sweet tea.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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