Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Series: One day at a time | Story 155

Well it is a cool and windy morning here in our little valley. We sure have been getting some good and much needed rain, there has not been no real heavy downpours but steady and slow rain. Even the creeks are starting to get water in them.

With the rain, wind and cooler temperatures it sure has felt more and more like Fall. It was a little cool last night so I put the cats a small blanket out and they were snuggled down into it this morning.

There were not as many hummingbirds at their feeders this morning, maybe it is because of the cooler mornings lately or maybe some of them have left going south now that it is Fall.

It is hard to believe it is already October, soon the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season will be starting. I am really looking forward to both of them and especially Christmas. This always seems like a busy and happy time of year.

This year we are also having the election. I think most of us have an uneasiness about the election and what could happen, we just have to pray more about things that we have no control over.

I have talked to a lot of people that have said they do not feel good about the elections and just do not trust them. We all need to get out this year and vote. God knows exactly what is going on and “In God We Trust” to take care of us.

As times and life get rough, we all need to be careful and protect ourselves, and we all need to do our part and do the best that we can, and we all need to be prepared and take care of one another.

One thing we sure can not do is just sit down and worry about everything, life goes on with or without us. If we want things to be better then we are the ones who have to make it better and not wait and hope that someone else will do the right things.

We have had another busy week. Bobby got some of the main gutters cleaned out before the rains started, but we will still have to do it again once all the leaves fall off the trees.

Soon in just a few weeks we will probably be getting our first heavy frost and then most of the trees and bushes will change to their Fall colors and leaves will be falling everywhere. Some of them already have because of the drought.

This week I went through our closets and got out some of our warm clothes and put away some of our Spring clothes. I also did some organizing in my cabinets and I made up a big container of homemade hot cocoa mix, when it gets cool outside Bob loves his cup of hot cocoa and so do I.

We were out running errands and saw some pretty Fall yard decorations, we saw lots of square hay bales, cornstalks, squashes and pumpkins. The pumpkins made me want to start baking some pumpkin pies and muffins.

Bob has now finished the breakfast dishes and is enjoying his cup of coffee. The cats came back up to eat some more and are now getting back up on their blanket to take a cat nap.

After while I think I will make us a cup of hot cocoa and then after dinner I might even crochet a little this afternoon.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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