Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

DEA National RX Takeback

Get your step stools out, climb up to the medicine cabinet, and get to clearing out those old prescriptions. With National Take Back Day coming up on October 25th, it's the perfect time to clean and reorganize that medicine cabinet.

Flushing unused medicines down the toilet floods our waterways with poison. Imagine all the side effects of every prescription drug used by Lewis County citizens coming into contact with you and your children. It's a truly scary thought. The Sheriff's Department on Swan Avenue and Police Department on Court Street have the solution. Just inside the doors, there is a large, black lock-box, where you can bring as much as you need to dispose of safely. Consistently, not just the one day a year, the company transports the disposals to a safe location where they can be burned and permanently destroyed. "Nursing Homes, farms, and many others come in here to dispose of their unused medicines frequently," said Tammy at the S.O..

Acceptable items include: Prescription medications, pet medications, medicated ointment, lotions or drops, liquid medications in leak-proof containers, inhalers, pills in any packaging, including glass, plastic container, baggies, or foil.

Items that are not accepted include: Illegal drugs and narcotics, needles/sharps or syringes with needles, blood sugar equipment, thermometers, IV bags, bloody or infectious waste, personal care products (shampoo, lotions, mouthwashes, etc.).

When possible, keep medication in original container, cross out the name and address, and do NOT cross out the name of the medication. The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.


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