Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

improve fitness health

Yes, we have a confession to make. “Fitness is hard! It’s so hard at times, that we feel like giving up” Actually, most of us have quit on fitness in the past.

Motivation peaks for the first few weeks of any new routine because we’re operating on 100% adrenaline. Nothing is going to stop us.

Except...this thing called LIFE!

This thing called “LIFE” goes on, despite whatever our fitness goals might be. Friends will call us to go out and tempt us with ‘not so pleasant foods’ and other sedentary temptations.

We’ll have some bad days, which might keep us from getting our quality sleep and rest.

Despite our best efforts with fitness, life won;t slow down nor take mercy upon us.

Without planning for these potential daily distractions, our fitness goals will forever dangle in front of our face.

The secret sauce lies within creating habits. Starting a ritual makes our actions automatic. We’re programming ourselves to act a specific way,despite what life throws at us. We become unbreakable.

Our fitness goals become achievable. And what was once something that seemed impossible for years is finally turning into reality.

When we are trying to build a new fitness habit into our life, start small, like really small.

15-20 minutes 3x a week performing a full body workout routine would be a good starting point. Keep it short and sweet.

The most important goal we should have at the beginning of our fitness journey is make the habit of exercising a consistent part of our daily life.

It’s more important for us to do something than to worry about what we didn’t do. Habits build over small daily actions.

The majority of time when people claim to hate exercise/fitness, it’s because they forget to find something they enjoy. They put their vision binoculars on and only see one path.

When in reality, fitness has many different path that can lead to our desired health results. If we don’t enjoy our workouts, we’re eventually going to quit.

We keep experimenting with The Senior Fitness Class routines in order to help us find our “sweet-fun spots,” not our friends routine or anyone else’s.

Ask yourself: “Am I enjoying this time for me? Will this make me healthier and motivated to continue the enjoyment in my life?”

These are two main goals for us to achieve with our Senior Fitness Classes!

Lewis County Senior Health and Fitness. 931-796-5564


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