Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

L.C. board of Commission met

The Lewis County Board of Commissioners met in regular session Monday, September 16, 2024. After reciting the pledge, led by Michelina Kelley, and prayer, led by Don Kramer, it was announced that Commissioners Pigg, Ragsdale, and Loveless were absent, leaving six present. Jonah Keltner was voted as Chairman, and Brian Peery was voted as Chairman Pro-Temp. The minutes from August’s meeting were approved by all. There was no public input, so the meeting moved to a presentation by Lawrence Kenzie of Kozy Kabins. Find more on that development in last week’s edition, front page.

Commissioner Larry Pigg was appointed to the Tennessee County Commission Association, and Brian Peery was appointed to the Highway Advisory Board for an additional two years. Commissioners Hinson and Loveless, County Clerk Sandra Clayton, and Citizen Representatives Larry Hensley and Wendell Kelly were appointed to the Lewis County Ethics Committee for one year. City of Hohenwald Vice Mayor and State Senator Dr. Joey Hensley were appointed to the Airport Advisory Board for one year, along with Gary Nash, Kyle Bobo, and Rob Rawdon for two years, as well as County Mayor Jonah Keltner and City Mayor Danny McKnight.

Commissioners approved Barge Design’s bid to be the official engineer of the Airport.

The rental policy for the High Forest Room was also set in place. A concern regarding the rental fee being too low was raised, and the floor was opened for discussion on the matter. Mayor Keltner began by complimenting the hard work being done to upgrade the facility. The Commission is not interested in renting it out for birthday parties and other common celebrations, instead, reserving it for professional business meetings, churches, and other interested organizations. Commissioner Feichtinger raised awareness to the cost of the deposit. “It should be substantial enough that they consider following the rules to have it returned at the end of their rental,” he mentioned. “Although it’s still on the far low end, I think $150 to $200 is fair,” he concluded. Commissioner Kyle Bobo agreed, “Between the new laminate flooring, paint, wood work, and more, there’s been at least $10,000 put in it so far, not including the gym. I would never vote for $100 deposit.” Mayor Keltner said, “$100 sounds good to me, as I consider groups like the Democratic or Republican Party or Dixie Youth Organization who may want to rent it for a meeting for an hour or two.” Mr. Bobo’s final comment was regarding levels. “I think it’s in our best interest to rent on a level scale. Those who rent weekly, like churches, would have a set rate. With a motion on the floor to set the deposit at $100, the Commission did not pass the rental rate. The Commission voted to table the matter until the October meeting next Monday, October 21st.

The commission voted to surplus the walk behind concrete cutter, as well as the used oil filter crusher. They also surplussed the old EMA Director’s Ford truck. With the troubles it has been giving, the commission decided to surplus it while it was still able to be, then use the money made toward another vehicle.

To end the night, Commissioners voted to allow the County to apply for a TDEC recycling grant with a 20% match. The purchase will be a bailer that is expected to cost over $100,000. And, to purchase election related equipment to be used in the November election, the Commissioners voted to move $64,188 of new money from the general fund into the election commission budget. After the purchases are made, this money will be reimbursed by a grant back into the general fund.


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