Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Well it is another peaceful morning here in our little valley, it is very still and quiet this morning. There is a cool little breeze blowing across the front porch, but it is very comfortable.

These are probably some of the last warm mornings that we will be able to sit out on the porch, soon it will start turning chilly and then it will be too cold for us to sit out on the porch in the mornings.

Soon in the mornings we will be having big frosts, and all the tree leaves will change colors and then they will start falling off.

The cats were up early for their breakfast and now they are relaxing and enjoying the morning. I have been noticing lately that their hair is getting thicker, I guess they are starting to get their Winter coat on.

Soon I am going to have to get the cat’s wintertime beds out of storage and hang the beds out on the clothes line to air out so that they will be ready for them when it does turn cold.

The humming birds have all left for the year, we sure have enjoyed watching them, we had a bunch of them in the yard this year. Bobby put their feeders up early this year and he has kept them full, now he is taking them down and cleaning them before putting them away until next year.

Before long we will have to get ready for the other types of birds that stay here over the Winter, like the ones we call snow birds and also the red birds. We have a lot of birds that do not fly south for the Winter.

We have been seeing flocks of geese going overhead, it does not seem like it should be Fall yet, but the animals know when it is time for them to move.

We have been doing a lot more cleaning and getting ready for the last part of this year, I have already been making my plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

We had a good time at Oktoberfest, the weather was perfect and I have never seen so many people out, I even talked to some people visiting from out of state. I also got to meet a lot of people that have been reading my ramblings each week in the Herald.

We want to say a special thank you to Kenny Johns for letting us and a lot of other people set up our booths in his front yard for Oktoberfest. Kenny, Sherry and little Charley made everyone feel welcome.

We are thankful we had great weather this year and no rain or bad storms like Helene and Milton, our hearts go out to everybody that has lost so much because of them.

One good thing that we see when something bad happens is how so many good people come together to help each other, and there have been so many prayers said for them.

Bob is finished with the breakfast dishes and has come out here to the porch to enjoy his coffee and this nice morning. We have got another busy day planned ahead, but we are looking forward to today and are planning on getting a lot done.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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