Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


Well it is a cold and frosty morning here in our little valley. We had just a little heat on this morning, but we have not built a fire in the old wood heating stove yet.

It has been chilly in the mornings and we have had a few big frost, but as soon as the sun comes up it starts warming up.

Soon the leaves will really change colors and start falling off the trees, right now they already getting some pretty colors to them.

The cats are always extra hungry on these cold mornings. When it is cold out they get a little bowl of warm milk, they really like their milk it helps to warm them up. Yep they are spoiled and it is all Bob’s fault!

We are getting closer and closer to the end of this year, and some of us are wondering what next year will be like. I am not watching much news on the TV anymore, you never hear or see any good news.

On the news it seems like there is trouble, heartbreak and uneasiness everywhere, and there is not much we can do about most of it, except pray and pray a lot.

I know God has it all under control. I think we all just get too busy to listen and really notice what all is actually going on. I know I get caught up in everyday life and don’t get time to talk to him the way I should, but I am trying to do better.

Lately our neighbor has been busy hauling those big round bales of hay and stacking them down by the creek. He is getting everything ready to feed his cows this Winter. He always takes good care of his animals.

We never know anymore what kind of winters we will have, the weather seems different than it used to be. People used to go by the signs in nature, but everything has changed.

The last long range weather forecast that we heard said there is a fifty-fifty chance that our Winter could be milder or colder. So that forecast is not much help, we just need to plan for what ever comes. Bobby always says plan for the worst, and hope for the best.

We are almost through October, we got one more week and then it will be November. We are coming up on the big holiday season, and yes I am excited and looking forward to it.

We decorate a lot for Christmas each year so we have to start real early on the first of November. Soon everyone will start their cooking and baking, and then after that their gift shopping. You all know me, I am getting ready to start.

I love this time of year, my daughters are a lot like me. I talked to Pam and she is excited, she makes a lot of Christmas goodies to give to family and friends. I talked to Linda and she’s starting to get her decorations out this week.

We were out running our errands and saw a lot of fields with hay bales in them, and lots of fields of corn or soybeans that looked ready to be gathered and some fields that had just been picked. I think this has been a fair year for corn and soybeans.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes done and the kitchen clean, now he is sitting back and enjoying his coffee. This morning for breakfast I made us a big pan of brown biscuits and with them we had some of my home canned raspberry jelly, they sure were good.

The cats have had their baths and are laying curled up in the warm sunshine Soon we are going to have to get busy, we have got a busy day planned ahead of us and there is a lot of things that need to be done.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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