Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
Jacob and Holly Adkins welcomed their new baby girl, Josie Evelyn Adkins, into the world on December 27, 2024 at 6:36 PM weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Josie was welcomed by a waiting room full of family including her big sister Magnolia, her grandparents, Ray and Stephanie Runions and Toby and Tammy Adkins; her great-grandparents Steve and Evelyn Keeton, her aunt and uncle and cousins Haley and Cody Mitchell and Finn and Baylor Mitchell, and her uncle Matthew Adkins. Other family present included Rachel and Melissa McCann and Missy and Savannna Collie. Jacob and Holly would love to give all the glory to God for such a beautiful gift and praise him for a healthy baby and delivery.
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